All-stars Nomination Ceremony #12

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

This is the final key.

Jordan, Keesha, Meech

the final person safe from nominations is...

Jordan & Meech

You have been nominated for eviction.

I am nominating, you, Jordan, and, you, Meech, for eviction. I think veto is really what matters here. My power as HOH is minute this round and I love all 3 of y'all left, but I really don't have many options here. So I wish you guys the best of luck in the veto tonight.
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #11

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

JC, Meech, Reem

the final person safe from nominations is...

JC & Meech

You have been nominated for eviction.

So uh, I did NOT expect to win last night. Honestly it's kind of a weird time to be HOH when the nomination pool is only 4 people and everyone is or has been working with everyone... At this point, nominations don't mean much because the power is mostly in the hands of whoever wins the Power of Veto. I did listen to and process every opinion and thought you guys all shared with me and everyone had some good points. I am just trying to do what is best for my personal game here in order to survive in the next round where I cannot play in the HOH. Needless to say, I don't really have a target here. Seriously, the veto will determine everything here so good luck to you both!
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #10

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

JC, Loveita, Reem

the final person safe from nominations is...

JC & Loveita

You have been nominated for eviction.

I nominate you JC and Loveita. I see you both as contenders with different game styles. I have genuinely enjoyed talking to you both in this game and respect both of y'all. JC, over the rounds there has been times where I have questioned our trust and I'm not always sure if you're truly with me. I apologize if this isn't the case. Love, it just never seemed to work out where our plans aligned in this game. I know you don't like the perception of being a big threat in this game, but I truly do think this is your game to lose. I wish you both the best of luck in the veto!
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #9

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

James, Loveita, Meech

the final person safe from nominations is...

James & Loveita

You have been nominated for eviction.

I am nominating you, James, and you, Loveita, for eviction. Us 3 have been in a threats alliance since very early game and pulled in others along the way. However, perception is everything, and those being sent to the jury and those in the game (myself included) believe you 2 have this game. These noms were very hard for me, and probably the hardest decision I had to do. I truly enjoy you both tremendously. Then, I remembered who I was...I'm motherfucking Reem. James is my target here and the only reason loveita is beside him. She is the only who benefits from his staying, and with 1 person sitting out veto I'd prefer the odds of her playing a Veto on him to be 0. The only way to guarantee that is to put her up too. I have the votes to evict James, I only need 2. If loveita comes down (feel free to remove her) I will have the votes to still evict James. I don't know when anyone will have an opportunity to do this, or if they actually will. So why not me? Waiting for the hellfire and brimstone in 3...2...1
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #8

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Kelsey, Meech, Reem

the final person safe from nominations is...

Kelsey & Meech

You have been nominated for eviction.

I nominate you Kelsey and you Meech. As numbers are slowly getting smaller and smaller, it is really difficult to make a decision to put two people up for eviction. I feel like everyone is friends with everyone in this game, so it is truly hard to decide, especially since I had about as much faith in my own comp skills as Zingbot did in my roast. I nominate you Kelsey because I hear you've been talking about me all day to multiple people and I don't think I can trust you at this point since you clearly don't trust me in this game. Meech, you are purely a pawn here and I'm sorry this has to be when you're working... seriously I fucking suck for that. I seriously mean nothing by putting you up here other than as a pawn. I think you're an amazing person and I hope we can keep this chill, because you will not be going home.
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #7

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The sixth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Haleigh, Jordan, Kelsey

the final person safe from nominations is...

Haleigh & Jordan

You have been nominated for eviction.

I have nominated you Jordan and you Haleigh. These nominations are getting harder and I want to stress there is nothing personal here. This is my own fault, as I feel like gamewise I've lost both of your trust in the past by including you as nominees/potential nominees. I completely understand if you are over working with me game wise. That's what I deserve for this as I keep piling up blood on my hands in this game. But please know it is nothing against either of you as people and the things we've shared socially.
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #6

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The sixth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The seventh person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Dallas, Kelsey, Meech

the final person safe from nominations is...

Dallas & Kelsey

You have been nominated for eviction.

I have nominated you, Dallas, and you, Kelsey, for eviction. Dallas, you start messaging people for the first time on Day 15 of this game, after already being removed for inactivity your first weekend. It's super impressive that you've battled back into the game now, and secured a spot in jury. However, I don't know what to expect from you in this game and think it's my best option to put you on the block and let the house decide if you have built enough bonds worth staying. Kelsey, this is less of a personal nomination and more one by association. Everyone knows what a close relationship you have with Dallas, and I know you will always support him in this game. I know neither of you want this and have every reason to be upset with me for it, but I feel this is the best decision for my game here right now.
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #5

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The sixth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The seventh person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Amanda, Casey, Jordan, Reem

the final person safe from nominations is...

Amanda, Casey & Jordan

You have been nominated for eviction.

I am nominating you Amanda, you Casey, and you Jordan. It's hard to have "reasons" to nominate anyone let alone three people, but this is my best reasons. Amanda, I did come into this game wanting us to have a fresh start with you and Glyn, and personally I think we are there. But I know you lied to me about the Winston vote, Glyn put me up, and have been coming for me in recent rounds. Casey, you're a great guy but frankly other than a couple people the house unanimously named you as their target this round. But I know you're a fighter and good luck in the veto. Jordan, we just haven't been on the same page in terms of voting this game. Good luck to you all in the veto.
Head of Household

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #4

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Key #8
Safe - Key #9
Safe - Key #10
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The sixth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The seventh person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The eighth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The ninth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Kelsey, Loveita, Reem

the final person safe from nominations is...

Loveita & Reem

You have been nominated for eviction.

Special Audio Nomination Speech from HoH Casey

All-stars Nomination Ceremony #3

Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Key #8
Safe - Key #9
Safe - Key #10
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining