Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony
Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Final Key
As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!
The first person safe from nominations is...
Keys Remaining
The second person safe from nominations is...
Keys Remaining
The third person safe from nominations is...
Keys Remaining
This is the final key.
James, Loveita, Meech
the final person safe from nominations is...
James & Loveita
You have been nominated for eviction.
I am nominating you, James, and you, Loveita, for eviction. Us 3 have been in a threats alliance since very early game and pulled in others along the way. However, perception is everything, and those being sent to the jury and those in the game (myself included) believe you 2 have this game. These noms were very hard for me, and probably the hardest decision I had to do. I truly enjoy you both tremendously. Then, I remembered who I was...I'm motherfucking Reem.
James is my target here and the only reason loveita is beside him. She is the only who benefits from his staying, and with 1 person sitting out veto I'd prefer the odds of her playing a Veto on him to be 0. The only way to guarantee that is to put her up too.
I have the votes to evict James, I only need 2. If loveita comes down (feel free to remove her) I will have the votes to still evict James. I don't know when anyone will have an opportunity to do this, or if they actually will. So why not me? Waiting for the hellfire and brimstone in 3...2...1
Head of Household