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Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony

Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!

The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.

Adam, James, Susie

the final person safe from nominations is...

You have been nominated for eviction.

Firstly, I want to congratulate everyone on making Final 9 I think we all deserve to be here regardless of what the HOH competition said lol. I decided to nominate the two most powerful people in the house in my eyes. They are the last standing duo in this house and I feel like if we let them, they will run the game to the end!

Susie- You nominated me last week and I’m not convinced you won’t do it again. You’re also a huge competition threat.

Adam- You have played an amazing game. Youre covered in all areas, you have played a part in some key votes, and you’re a comp beast.

I don’t mean this vote as a personal attack at all. I truly mean that I like you both on a personal level immensely. However, it’s final 9 and some big moves have to be made. I think you guys could easily sweep at finale and I feel like if I don’t take this shot now, no one will ever do it. I truly wish you guys all the best of luck.
Head of Household