Welcome to the Nomination Ceremony
Nomination Intro
Safe - Key #1
Safe - Key #2
Safe - Key #3
Safe - Key #4
Safe - Key #5
Safe - Key #6
Safe - Key #7
Safe - Key #8
Safe - Final Key

As Head of Household, my duties are to nominate two houseguests for Eviction. If your key is pulled tonight, you are safe from nominations. The last two remaining houseguests without keys are nominated for Eviction. Good luck!
The first person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The second person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The third person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fourth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The fifth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The sixth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The seventh person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

The eighth person safe from nominations is...

Keys Remaining

This is the final key.
Aisleyne, Parker, Sheila
the final person safe from nominations is...

Parker you're a threat to me in this game, it's nothing personal but I don't think I can save someone who has been gunning for me so hard.
Aisleyne you're just a number against me, if the situation was different we could have made something work. I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be.