Welcome to the Eviction Ceremony
Eviction Intro
Key #1
Key #2
Key #3
Key #4
Key #5
Key #6
Key #7
Key #8
Key #9
Final Key

Glyn and Richard are nominated for eviction. Big Brother will reveal the votes below and the person evicted will be asked to leave the Isolated House immediately.
The first vote is for...

i wish i could've done something but sneaky james, adam, susie and parker made it impossible...

The second vote is for...

I don't know what happened with us, I felt like we were connecting early on and then not so much

The third vote is for...

Glyn if you go home something terrible happened.

The fourth vote is for...

"Nothing personal, I am just doing what needs to be done"

The fifth vote is for...

We made an alliance early on and you were on the outskirts of it, it was only a matter of time before you found out. Youve gotta go

The sixth vote is for...

I'm sorry, this was a tough one and I just don't feel as strong with you.

The seventh vote is for...

ts paining me so much to vote you out. Im sure i'll be right behind you. :sob: I am so sorry :sob:

The eighth vote is for...

I have nothing against you, but it's 2 people I like on the block, Good game and I wish you the best

The ninth vote is for...

Richard, you have been a bro this whole time to me, from talking about broken bones and your curse, to just chilling out as buds. Choosing between you and Glyn is next to impossible cause you are both awesome people. I wish you great fortune in your future man, hope after the game we get the chance to speak again and chill without the pressure of this game.

This is the final key.
By a vote of 10 to 0...