Welcome to the Eviction Ceremony
Eviction Intro
Key #1
Key #2
Key #3
Final Key

Aisleyne and Amanda are nominated for eviction. Big Brother will reveal the votes below and the person evicted will be asked to leave the Isolated House immediately.
The first vote is for...

Thank you for being one of my favorite people in here. We did the unthinkable saving you once and I guess our time ran out. I'll miss you Ais. -Glyn

The second vote is for...

Aisleyne, I have been forced into this position, the voting never gets easier, and I hoped I would never have to do this, but I've told you why I've voted this way and I hope you understand why I had to do this. Say hi to Parker for me, I miss that bro so much :'(

The third vote is for...

I am so sorry I had no idea this was going to happen

This is the final key.
By a unanimous vote...